Genital surgery for women

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Female genital cosmetic surgery

Female genital cosmetic surgery, also known as female genital rejuvenation or cosmetic vaginal surgery, is a type of plastic surgery that aims to improve the appearance and function of the female genital area. There are several different types of female genital cosmetic surgery procedures, including:

Labiaplasty: This procedure involves reducing the size or changing the shape of the labia minora or labia majora.

Vaginoplasty: This procedure involves tightening the vagina, often after childbirth or other trauma has caused stretching or laxity.

Clitoral hood reduction: This procedure involves reducing excess tissue in the clitoral hood, which can improve sensitivity and sexual function.

Monsplasty: This procedure involves reducing excess tissue in the mons pubis area, which can improve the appearance of the genital area.

Hymenoplasty: This procedure involves repairing or reconstructing the hymen, often for cultural or religious reasons.

These procedures are typically performed on an outpatient basis, under local or general anesthesia, and can range in cost from a few thousand dollars to upwards of $10,000, depending on the procedure and the surgeon’s experience and location.

It’s important to note that these procedures are not without risks and potential complications, and women considering female genital cosmetic surgery should thoroughly research the procedure and choose a qualified and experienced surgeon to perform the procedure. Additionally, it’s important to have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure and to discuss any potential risks and complications with your surgeon before undergoing the procedure.

Vaginoplasty and Labiaplasty

Vaginoplasty and labiaplasty are two types of female genital cosmetic surgery procedures that are commonly performed to improve the appearance and function of the female genital area.

Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure that is designed to tighten the vaginal canal. This procedure is often performed on women who have experienced stretching or laxity of the vaginal canal as a result of childbirth or aging. The procedure involves removing excess vaginal tissue and tightening the muscles and surrounding tissues to improve the tone and strength of the vaginal canal.

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that is designed to reduce the size or change the shape of the labia minora or labia majora. This procedure is often performed on women who are self-conscious about the appearance of their labia or who experience discomfort or pain during sexual activity or other physical activities. The procedure involves removing excess tissue from the labia and reshaping them to improve their appearance and function.

Both vaginoplasty and labiaplasty are typically performed on an outpatient basis, under local or general anesthesia. The recovery time can vary depending on the extent of the procedure, but most women are able to return to work and other normal activities within a few days to a week.

It’s important to note that both vaginoplasty and labiaplasty are not without risks and potential complications, and women considering these procedures should thoroughly research the procedure and choose a qualified and experienced surgeon to perform the procedure. Additionally, it’s important to have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure and to discuss any potential risks and complications with your surgeon before undergoing the procedure.

Female genital reshaping, or labiaplasty

Labiaplasty is a type of female genital cosmetic surgery that involves reshaping the labia minora or labia majora, which are the folds of skin that surround the vaginal opening. This procedure is typically performed to improve the appearance or function of the labia, or to alleviate discomfort or pain caused by enlarged or asymmetrical labia.

During a labiaplasty procedure, excess tissue is removed from the labia and the remaining tissue is reshaped to create a more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing appearance. The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia and can be completed in about an hour.

Recovery time for labiaplasty can vary, but most women are able to return to work and normal activities within a week or two. Patients may experience some discomfort or swelling in the treated area for a few days after the procedure, but this can usually be managed with pain medication and icing the area.

It’s important to note that labiaplasty is not without risks and potential complications, such as bleeding, infection, or scarring. Women considering labiaplasty should carefully research the procedure and choose a qualified and experienced surgeon to perform the procedure. Additionally, it’s important to have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure and to discuss any potential risks and complications with your surgeon before undergoing the procedure.


Vulvoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves reshaping the external female genitalia, including the labia majora, labia minora, and clitoral hood. This procedure is typically performed for cosmetic or functional reasons, such as reducing the size of the labia, improving symmetry, or addressing discomfort or pain during sexual activity or physical activity.

The vulvoplasty procedure can vary depending on the specific needs of the patient, but it generally involves removing excess tissue from the labia and clitoral hood and reshaping the remaining tissue to achieve the desired outcome. The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia and can be completed in about an hour.

Recovery time for vulvoplasty can vary, but most women are able to return to work and normal activities within a week or two. Patients may experience some discomfort or swelling in the treated area for a few days after the procedure, but this can usually be managed with pain medication and icing the area.

As with any surgical procedure, vulvoplasty is not without risks and potential complications, such as bleeding, infection, or scarring. Women considering vulvoplasty should carefully research the procedure and choose a qualified and experienced surgeon to perform the procedure. Additionally, it’s important to have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure and to discuss any potential risks and complications with your surgeon before undergoing the procedure.

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Labiaplasty (vulval surgery)

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that involves reshaping or reducing the labia minora or labia majora, which are the folds of skin that surround the vaginal opening. This procedure is typically performed for cosmetic or functional reasons, such as improving the appearance or reducing discomfort or pain caused by enlarged or asymmetrical labia.

During a labiaplasty procedure, excess tissue is removed from the labia and the remaining tissue is reshaped to create a more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing appearance. The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia and can be completed in about an hour.

Recovery time for labiaplasty can vary, but most women are able to return to work and normal activities within a week or two. Patients may experience some discomfort or swelling in the treated area for a few days after the procedure, but this can usually be managed with pain medication and icing the area.

It’s important to note that labiaplasty is not without risks and potential complications, such as bleeding, infection, or scarring. Women considering labiaplasty should carefully research the procedure and choose a qualified and experienced surgeon to perform the procedure. Additionally, it’s important to have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure and to discuss any potential risks and complications with your surgeon before undergoing the procedure.

vaginal rejuvenation

Vaginal rejuvenation is a term used to describe a range of procedures that are designed to improve the function and appearance of the vaginal area. These procedures may be performed for a variety of reasons, such as improving sexual function, reducing discomfort or pain, or addressing changes that occur after childbirth or with aging.

There are several different types of vaginal rejuvenation procedures, including:

Vaginoplasty: This procedure involves tightening the vaginal canal by removing excess tissue and repositioning the muscles.

Labiaplasty: This procedure involves reshaping or reducing the labia minora or labia majora.

Clitoral hood reduction: This procedure involves removing excess tissue from the clitoral hood to improve sensation and sexual function.

Hymenoplasty: This procedure involves reconstructing the hymen, which is the thin membrane that partially covers the vaginal opening.

Non-surgical options: There are also non-surgical options for vaginal rejuvenation, such as laser therapy or radiofrequency treatments.

It’s important to note that vaginal rejuvenation procedures are not without risks and potential complications, such as bleeding, infection, or scarring. Women considering vaginal rejuvenation should carefully research the procedure and choose a qualified and experienced surgeon to perform the procedure. Additionally, it’s important to have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure and to discuss any potential risks and complications with your surgeon before undergoing the procedure.



Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that is designed to reshape or reduce the labia minora or labia majora, which are the folds of skin that surround the vaginal opening. This procedure is typically performed for cosmetic or functional reasons, such as improving the appearance or reducing discomfort or pain caused by enlarged or asymmetrical labia.

During a labiaplasty procedure, excess tissue is removed from the labia and the remaining tissue is reshaped to create a more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing appearance. The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia and can be completed in about an hour.

Recovery time for labiaplasty can vary, but most women are able to return to work and normal activities within a week or two. Patients may experience some discomfort or swelling in the treated area for a few days after the procedure, but this can usually be managed with pain medication and icing the area.

It’s important to note that labiaplasty is not without risks and potential complications, such as bleeding, infection, or scarring. Women considering labiaplasty should carefully research the procedure and choose a qualified and experienced surgeon to perform the procedure. Additionally, it’s important to have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure and to discuss any potential risks and complications with your surgeon before undergoing the procedure.


Labial reduction

Labial reduction, also known as labiaplasty, is a surgical procedure that is designed to reshape or reduce the labia minora or labia majora, which are the folds of skin that surround the vaginal opening. This procedure is typically performed for cosmetic or functional reasons, such as improving the appearance or reducing discomfort or pain caused by enlarged or asymmetrical labia.

During a labial reduction procedure, excess tissue is removed from the labia and the remaining tissue is reshaped to create a more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing appearance. The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia and can be completed in about an hour.

Recovery time for labial reduction can vary, but most women are able to return to work and normal activities within a week or two. Patients may experience some discomfort or swelling in the treated area for a few days after the procedure, but this can usually be managed with pain medication and icing the area.

It’s important to note that labial reduction is not without risks and potential complications, such as bleeding, infection, or scarring. Women considering labial reduction should carefully research the procedure and choose a qualified and experienced surgeon to perform the procedure. Additionally, it’s important to have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure and to discuss any potential risks and complications with your surgeon before undergoing the procedure.

Vaginal Tightening

Vaginal tightening is a surgical procedure that is designed to tighten the muscles and tissues of the vagina. The procedure is typically performed for functional or cosmetic reasons, such as improving sexual satisfaction, reducing vaginal laxity or looseness after childbirth or aging, or correcting urinary incontinence.

There are several different surgical techniques that can be used to tighten the vagina, including vaginoplasty, perineoplasty, and hymenoplasty. These procedures may involve removing excess tissue, repairing torn or weakened muscles, and tightening the surrounding tissue to create a tighter and more toned vaginal canal.

Recovery time for vaginal tightening can vary, but most women are able to return to work and normal activities within a week or two. Patients may experience some discomfort or swelling in the treated area for a few days after the procedure, but this can usually be managed with pain medication and icing the area.

It’s important to note that vaginal tightening is not without risks and potential complications, such as bleeding, infection, or scarring. Women considering vaginal tightening should carefully research the procedure and choose a qualified and experienced surgeon to perform the procedure. Additionally, it’s important to have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure and to discuss any potential risks and complications with your surgeon before undergoing the procedure.


Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves the removal of excess fat from specific areas of the body. It is designed to improve the body’s contours and proportions by removing stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise.

During the liposuction procedure, a small incision is made in the skin, and a thin, hollow tube called a cannula is inserted through the incision. The cannula is connected to a vacuum pump or syringe, which is used to suction out the excess fat. The procedure may be performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the extent of the treatment and the preferences of the patient and surgeon.

Liposuction can be used to remove excess fat from a variety of areas, including the abdomen, hips, thighs, arms, back, and neck. It can also be used to treat conditions such as gynecomastia (enlarged male breasts) and lipomas (benign fatty tumors).

Recovery time for liposuction can vary, but most patients are able to return to work and normal activities within a few days to a week after the procedure. Patients may experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the treated area, but these symptoms can usually be managed with pain medication and compression garments.

It’s important to note that liposuction is not a weight loss solution and should not be used as a substitute for a healthy diet and exercise. Additionally, liposuction is not without risks and potential complications, such as bleeding, infection, or uneven contours. Patients considering liposuction should carefully research the procedure and choose a qualified and experienced surgeon to perform the procedure.

Aesthetic Genital Plastic Surgery

Aesthetic genital plastic surgery, also known as cosmetic genital surgery, refers to a group of surgical procedures that are performed to improve the appearance of the genitals for aesthetic purposes. These procedures are typically elective and may be performed on both men and women.

Aesthetic genital plastic surgery may include procedures such as labiaplasty, clitoral hood reduction, mons pubis reduction, penile enhancement, scrotal enhancement, and pubic liposuction. These procedures are designed to improve the overall appearance of the genital area, enhance sexual function, or alleviate discomfort or pain.

Like all surgical procedures, aesthetic genital plastic surgery carries risks and potential complications, such as bleeding, infection, scarring, and nerve damage. It’s important for patients to carefully research the procedure and choose a qualified and experienced surgeon to perform the procedure.

intimate medical procedures

Intimate medical procedures refer to surgical or non-surgical treatments that are performed on areas of the body that are considered intimate, such as the genital or anal regions. These procedures may include treatments for conditions such as vaginal laxity, urinary incontinence, or genital prolapse, as well as cosmetic procedures to improve the appearance of these areas.

Intimate medical procedures may be performed by a variety of healthcare providers, including gynecologists, urologists, plastic surgeons, and dermatologists. Some of the most common intimate medical procedures include labiaplasty, vaginoplasty, hymenoplasty, anal rejuvenation, and male genital enhancement procedures.

It’s important for patients to carefully research the procedure and choose a qualified and experienced provider to perform the procedure. Patients should also have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure and be prepared for a recovery period that may include discomfort, swelling, and limitations on activities such as sexual intercourse. As with all medical procedures, intimate medical procedures carry potential risks and complications, and patients should discuss these risks with their provider prior to undergoing any treatment.

Why You Might Need Vaginal Surgery

There are several reasons why a person might need vaginal surgery. Some of the most common reasons include:

Vaginal relaxation or laxity: This is a condition in which the vaginal muscles and tissues become stretched and loose, often due to childbirth or aging. Vaginal rejuvenation procedures, such as vaginoplasty, can help to tighten and firm the vaginal tissues, improving sexual sensation and reducing urinary incontinence.

Labial hypertrophy or asymmetry: Some women may experience enlarged or asymmetrical labia minora or labia majora, which can cause discomfort or self-consciousness. Labiaplasty can help to reshape or reduce the size of the labia, improving comfort and enhancing appearance.

Genital prolapse: This is a condition in which the pelvic organs, such as the uterus, bladder, or rectum, descend or protrude into the vaginal canal. Vaginal surgery, such as pelvic floor reconstruction, can help to restore the normal position and function of these organs.

Congenital abnormalities: Some women may be born with congenital abnormalities of the vaginal or vulvar tissues, such as vaginal septum or imperforate hymen. Surgery can help to correct these conditions and improve vaginal and sexual function.

Trauma or injury: Women who have experienced trauma or injury to the vaginal or vulvar tissues, such as from childbirth or sexual assault, may require surgery to repair the damaged tissues and improve function and appearance.

It’s important to note that each person’s individual circumstances and reasons for considering vaginal surgery may vary. It’s important to discuss any concerns with a qualified healthcare provider who can help determine the best course of treatment.

How to Prepare for Vaginal Surgery

If you are planning to have vaginal surgery, it’s important to prepare properly to ensure a safe and successful procedure. Here are some general tips on how to prepare for vaginal surgery:

Find a qualified and experienced surgeon: It’s important to choose a board-certified surgeon who has experience in performing the specific procedure you are considering. Research potential surgeons and read reviews from other patients to help you make an informed decision.

Schedule a consultation: Before your surgery, you will need to meet with your surgeon to discuss the procedure and your goals. Use this time to ask any questions you have about the surgery, and make sure you fully understand what to expect during and after the procedure.

Follow pre-surgery instructions: Your surgeon will provide you with specific instructions on how to prepare for your surgery, including dietary restrictions, medication instructions, and activity restrictions. Be sure to follow these instructions closely to ensure the best possible outcome.

Arrange for transportation and aftercare: You will likely need someone to drive you home after your surgery, as well as provide assistance with daily activities for the first few days after the procedure. Make sure you have someone available to provide this assistance.

Prepare your home for recovery: Make sure your home is stocked with any necessary supplies, such as pain medication, ice packs, and comfortable clothing. You may also want to set up a comfortable recovery area with pillows and blankets to help you rest and recover.

Avoid smoking and alcohol: Smoking and alcohol can interfere with healing and increase the risk of complications. It’s best to avoid these substances for several weeks before and after your surgery.

Manage your expectations: It’s important to have realistic expectations about the outcome of your surgery. Your surgeon can help you understand what to expect in terms of recovery time, discomfort, and the final results of the procedure.

Overall, the key to preparing for vaginal surgery is to work closely with your surgeon and follow all pre-surgery instructions carefully. With proper preparation and care, you can have a safe and successful surgery with excellent results.

Are you looking for female genital cosmetic surgery with low costs in Turkey ?

When considering any surgery, including cosmetic genital surgery, it is important to prioritize safety and the qualifications and experience of the surgeon, rather than solely focusing on cost. While cost can be a factor in decision-making, it should not be the sole determining factor. It is important to choose a qualified and experienced surgeon who can provide high-quality care and a safe surgical experience.

Furthermore, before deciding to undergo any type of surgical procedure, it is important to have a thorough consultation with the surgeon, discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure, and have a clear understanding of the expected outcome and recovery process.

Our patients testimonials

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Klasse Leistung und Service
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Sarah R
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