Mastectomy (Breast Removal Surgery)

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What is a Mastectomy (Breast Removal Surgery) ?

A mastectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of one or both breasts, typically as a treatment for breast cancer. There are several different types of mastectomy, including:

Simple or total mastectomy: This involves the removal of the entire breast, including the nipple and areola.

Modified radical mastectomy: This involves the removal of the entire breast, as well as the lymph nodes under the arm.

Radical mastectomy: This involves the removal of the entire breast, the lymph nodes under the arm, and the chest wall muscles.

Double mastectomy: This involves the removal of both breasts.

Mastectomy may be performed for several reasons, including the presence of breast cancer, the prevention of breast cancer in high-risk patients, or as part of gender-affirming surgery for transgender individuals. After a mastectomy, breast reconstruction surgery may be performed to restore the appearance of the breast.

Types of Mastectomy Surgeries

There are several types of mastectomy surgeries, including:

Simple or Total Mastectomy: This surgery involves the removal of the entire breast tissue, including the nipple and areola.

Skin-Sparing Mastectomy: This surgery involves the removal of breast tissue while preserving the skin over the breast. This approach helps to improve cosmetic outcomes for breast reconstruction.

Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy: This surgery involves the removal of breast tissue while preserving the nipple and areola. This approach also helps to improve cosmetic outcomes for breast reconstruction.

Modified Radical Mastectomy: This surgery involves the removal of the entire breast tissue, including the nipple and areola, as well as the lymph nodes in the armpit.

Radical Mastectomy: This surgery involves the removal of the entire breast tissue, including the nipple and areola, as well as the lymph nodes in the armpit and the chest wall muscles behind the breast.

Double Mastectomy: This surgery involves the removal of both breasts. It may be performed as a preventive measure for high-risk patients or as part of treatment for breast cancer.

The type of mastectomy recommended depends on several factors, including the extent of the cancer, the size of the breast, and the patient’s preference.

What does a mastectomy involve ? 

A mastectomy involves the surgical removal of one or both breasts. The specifics of the procedure may vary depending on the type of mastectomy performed. Generally, the steps involved in a mastectomy surgery are as follows:


Anesthesia: The patient will be given general anesthesia, which will make them unconscious during the procedure, or regional anesthesia, which numbs the area to be operated on.


Incision: The surgeon will make an incision in the breast, depending on the type of mastectomy being performed.


Lymph node removal: If a modified radical mastectomy or radical mastectomy is being performed, the surgeon may also remove some of the lymph nodes in the armpit for testing to see if the cancer has spread.


Removal of breast tissue: The surgeon will remove the breast tissue, including the ducts, lobules, and fatty tissue. The nipple and areola may also be removed, depending on the type of mastectomy.


Closure: The surgeon will close the incision with stitches or surgical staples.


After the procedure, the patient may be given medication for pain management and antibiotics to prevent infection. The recovery time varies depending on the extent of the surgery and the patient’s overall health. The patient may need to stay in the hospital for a few days, and they will need to follow post-operative instructions to ensure proper healing.

The Cost of Mastectomy Surgery

The cost of mastectomy surgery can vary depending on several factors, such as the location of the surgery, the type of mastectomy performed, the surgeon’s fees, and whether breast reconstruction is also performed. The cost of mastectomy surgery may also depend on whether the surgery is covered by health insurance.

In the United States, the average cost of mastectomy surgery ranges from $9,000 to $15,000, not including the cost of breast reconstruction surgery or any additional treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy. If breast reconstruction surgery is also performed, the total cost of the procedure can range from $20,000 to $50,000 or more.

However, many health insurance plans cover mastectomy surgery and breast reconstruction surgery, as they are considered medically necessary procedures. Patients should check with their insurance provider to understand their coverage and any out-of-pocket costs associated with the procedure. Additionally, there may be financial assistance programs available for patients who cannot afford the cost of mastectomy surgery or breast reconstruction.

Why might I need a mastectomy Surgery ? 

A mastectomy surgery may be recommended for several reasons, including:

Breast Cancer: Mastectomy may be necessary if you have been diagnosed with breast cancer. The surgery removes the cancerous tissue from the breast and may be followed by radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or hormone therapy to treat any remaining cancer cells.

High-risk patients: Women who are at high risk of developing breast cancer due to family history, genetic mutations, or other risk factors may choose to have a prophylactic (preventive) mastectomy to reduce their risk of developing breast cancer.

Gender-affirming surgery: Mastectomy may be performed as part of gender-affirming surgery for transgender individuals who wish to undergo chest masculinization.

Non-cancerous conditions: Mastectomy may be necessary if you have a non-cancerous breast condition that cannot be treated with other methods, such as a large or painful fibroadenoma or recurrent infections.

The decision to undergo mastectomy surgery is a personal one and should be made in consultation with your healthcare provider. The type of mastectomy recommended will depend on the individual circumstances of each patient.

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What does physiotherapy for a mastectomy involve ? 

Physiotherapy for mastectomy involves exercises and other therapies that aim to restore arm and shoulder function, reduce pain, and improve mobility following the surgery. The specific exercises and therapies prescribed by the physiotherapist will depend on the individual patient’s needs and the extent of the surgery. Here are some common aspects of physiotherapy for mastectomy:

Range of motion exercises: These exercises help to restore normal movement of the shoulder and arm, which may be limited following surgery. Range of motion exercises may include stretching, bending, and rotation of the shoulder joint.

Strengthening exercises: Strengthening exercises help to improve the strength and endurance of the muscles in the affected arm and shoulder. These exercises may include weightlifting, resistance band exercises, and other forms of resistance training.

Scar tissue management: After surgery, the formation of scar tissue can limit movement and cause pain. Physiotherapists can use massage, stretching, and other techniques to manage scar tissue and improve mobility.

Lymphedema management: Following mastectomy, some patients may develop lymphedema, which is swelling of the arm due to a buildup of lymph fluid. Physiotherapists can provide exercises and manual therapies to manage lymphedema and prevent it from worsening.

Education: Physiotherapists can educate patients on proper posture, breathing techniques, and exercises to prevent complications and promote healing.

Physiotherapy for mastectomy is an important part of the recovery process and can help patients regain function and quality of life following surgery.

How long does a mastectomy Surgery take ? 

The length of a mastectomy surgery can vary depending on several factors, including the type of mastectomy being performed, the extent of the breast tissue removal, and whether any additional procedures are being performed. Generally, a mastectomy surgery can take anywhere from 1 to 3 hours.

Simple or total mastectomy surgeries typically take less time than modified radical or radical mastectomies, which involve the removal of more tissue and lymph nodes. The length of the surgery may also depend on whether breast reconstruction is being performed at the same time as the mastectomy.

After the surgery, the patient will need to spend some time in the recovery room before being moved to a hospital room or sent home. The length of time spent in the hospital can vary, depending on the extent of the surgery and the patient’s overall health. The recovery period after a mastectomy can also vary, with most patients needing several weeks to months to fully recover and regain their strength and mobility.

What Happens After a Mastectomy Surgery ?  

After a mastectomy surgery, the patient will be moved to a recovery room, where they will be monitored closely for any complications, such as bleeding or infection. Depending on the extent of the surgery, the patient may need to stay in the hospital for a few days or longer.

During the recovery period, the patient may experience pain, swelling, and bruising in the chest, arm, and shoulder areas. Pain medications may be prescribed to manage these symptoms. The patient may also have drainage tubes in place to help remove excess fluid from the surgical site.

After the patient is discharged from the hospital, they will need to follow specific instructions from their healthcare provider to promote healing and reduce the risk of complications. These instructions may include:

  • Taking medications as prescribed, including pain relievers and antibiotics.
  • Resting and avoiding strenuous activity for a specified period.
  • Wearing a compression garment or special bra to support the chest and reduce swelling.
  • Keeping the surgical site clean and dry, and changing dressings as needed.
  • Doing exercises and stretches to help restore arm and shoulder function, as recommended by a physiotherapist.
  • Attending follow-up appointments with the healthcare provider to monitor healing and manage any complications.

Depending on the type of mastectomy performed, the patient may also need additional treatment, such as radiation therapy or chemotherapy, to destroy any remaining cancer cells. If breast reconstruction is being performed, this may occur at the same time as the mastectomy surgery or as a separate procedure at a later time.

The Benefits of Mastectomy Surgery

Mastectomy surgery can have several benefits for individuals with breast cancer or those at high risk for developing breast cancer. Some potential benefits of mastectomy surgery include:

Reducing the risk of cancer recurrence: Mastectomy surgery removes the breast tissue, reducing the risk of cancer recurrence in the affected breast.

Reducing the risk of developing breast cancer: In individuals who are at high risk for developing breast cancer, prophylactic mastectomy can greatly reduce the risk of developing the disease.

Providing peace of mind: For some individuals, the psychological benefits of mastectomy surgery, such as reducing anxiety about cancer recurrence or developing breast cancer, can provide a sense of peace of mind.

Simplifying follow-up care: Mastectomy surgery eliminates the need for frequent mammograms or other imaging tests to monitor the breast tissue for signs of cancer.

Allowing for breast reconstruction: For individuals who choose to have breast reconstruction surgery, mastectomy surgery provides a clean surgical site for the reconstruction procedure.

It’s important to note that the decision to have a mastectomy surgery is a personal one and should be made in consultation with a healthcare provider, taking into account individual medical history, treatment goals, and preferences.

Understanding the Procedure of Mastectomy Surgery 

Mastectomy surgery is a surgical procedure in which all or part of the breast tissue is removed. The specific procedure may vary depending on the individual case and the extent of the breast tissue removal needed. Here is a general overview of what to expect during a mastectomy surgery:

Anesthesia: Before the surgery, the patient will receive anesthesia to ensure they are comfortable and pain-free throughout the procedure. This may be general anesthesia, which puts the patient to sleep, or local anesthesia, which numbs only the surgical area.

Incision: The surgeon will make an incision in the breast tissue, typically along the natural skin creases or along the areola, to minimize scarring.

Breast tissue removal: Depending on the type of mastectomy being performed, the surgeon will remove either the entire breast (simple or total mastectomy) or a portion of the breast tissue (partial mastectomy). In some cases, the surgeon may also remove nearby lymph nodes to check for the spread of cancer.

Closure: Once the breast tissue has been removed, the surgeon will close the incision using sutures or staples. In some cases, drainage tubes may be placed to remove excess fluid from the surgical site.

Recovery: After the surgery, the patient will be moved to a recovery room, where they will be monitored for any complications, such as bleeding or infection. Depending on the extent of the surgery, the patient may need to stay in the hospital for a few days or longer.

Follow-up care: After being discharged from the hospital, the patient will need to follow specific instructions from their healthcare provider to promote healing and reduce the risk of complications. This may include taking medications, wearing a compression garment or special bra, and attending follow-up appointments to monitor healing and manage any complications.

It’s important to note that the specific procedure may vary depending on the individual case and the type of mastectomy being performed. The patient should discuss the details of the procedure with their healthcare provider and ask any questions they may have to ensure they are fully informed and prepared for the surgery.

Preparing for a Mastectomy Surgery 

Preparing for mastectomy surgery involves several steps to ensure the best possible outcome and minimize the risk of complications. Here are some general guidelines to prepare for a mastectomy surgery:

Medical evaluation: The patient will undergo a medical evaluation, which may include blood tests, imaging tests, and a physical exam. The healthcare provider will review the patient’s medical history and current medications to identify any potential risks or complications.

Stop smoking: If the patient smokes, they should stop smoking at least two weeks before the surgery to minimize the risk of complications and promote healing.

Medications: The patient should inform their healthcare provider of all medications they are taking, including over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and supplements. Some medications, such as blood thinners, may need to be stopped before the surgery.

Fasting: The patient will be instructed to fast for a certain period before the surgery, typically for six to eight hours, to reduce the risk of complications from anesthesia.

Planning for aftercare: The patient should arrange for transportation to and from the hospital on the day of the surgery and plan for aftercare, such as having someone to help with household chores and childcare.

Emotional support: Mastectomy surgery can be an emotional experience. The patient may benefit from talking to a counselor, joining a support group, or connecting with others who have undergone a similar procedure.

Preoperative education: The healthcare provider will provide the patient with information about the procedure, what to expect before and after surgery, and any potential risks or complications.

It’s important to follow all preoperative instructions from the healthcare provider to ensure a safe and successful surgery. The patient should ask any questions they have and communicate any concerns with their healthcare team to promote the best possible outcome.

The Recovery Time for Mastectomy Surgery 

Recovery time after a mastectomy surgery varies from person to person and depends on several factors, such as the type of mastectomy, the extent of the surgery, the person’s age, overall health, and other individual factors. In general, it can take several weeks to a few months to fully recover from a mastectomy surgery.

Immediately after the surgery, the patient will spend some time in the recovery room where they will be monitored for any complications, such as bleeding or infection. Depending on the extent of the surgery, the patient may need to stay in the hospital for a few days or longer.

During the recovery period, the patient may experience some discomfort, pain, or swelling in the chest area. The healthcare provider may prescribe pain medication and recommend some self-care measures, such as icing the area, taking it easy, and avoiding lifting heavy objects.

The healthcare provider will give specific instructions on how to care for the surgical site, including changing bandages and cleaning the area. The patient should also attend follow-up appointments with the healthcare provider to monitor healing and manage any complications.

Depending on the extent of the surgery and the person’s overall health, the healthcare provider may recommend physical therapy or exercise to help regain strength and mobility in the arm and chest area.

It’s essential to give the body enough time to heal properly after a mastectomy surgery. The patient should follow all instructions from the healthcare provider, rest as needed, and gradually resume daily activities as the healthcare provider advises. The healthcare provider will provide specific instructions on when it’s safe to return to work, drive, and engage in other activities.

We are a Leading Centre for the Surgery for Breast Removal Surgery (Mastectomy) in the Turkey 

If you are considering mastectomy surgery, it’s important to find a healthcare provider who has experience with the procedure and can offer personalized care based on your individual needs. You may want to consider factors such as the healthcare provider’s qualifications, reputation, and patient reviews, as well as the quality of care offered by the medical center. Additionally, it’s essential to ask questions and discuss any concerns you may have with the healthcare provider before deciding to undergo mastectomy surgery.

Aesthetic Airways a world-renowned specialists Mastectomy surgery Procedures 

Aesthetic Airways has specialists who are skilled in mastectomy surgery procedures as part of their breast cancer treatment services. Patients who are considering mastectomy surgery should research different options and choose a reputable healthcare provider who can provide quality care and support during the surgery and recovery process. It is important to choose a healthcare provider who has experience with mastectomy surgery and has a good reputation for providing safe and effective treatment.

Our patients testimonials

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Klasse Leistung und Service
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Sarah R
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