Neck Lift Procedure in Turkey
Understanding the Neck Lift Procedure:
The medical procedure known as a neck lift is called platysmaplasty. It involves removing excess skin and fat from the neck to address wrinkles and creases caused by aging, resulting in a smoother and slimmer profile.
A neck lift can be done by itself or in combination with other procedures such as a facelift, soft tissue augmentation with dermal fillers, or an eye lift. The surgery can be done in the surgeon’s office-based surgical facility, an outpatient surgery center, or a hospital.
To ensure the patient’s comfort during the procedure, the surgeon will use anesthesia. General anesthesia will put the patient in a deep sleep during the surgery, while sedative medications will keep the patient awake but relaxed, and local anesthesia will prevent any pain.
The procedure usually takes several hours, during which the surgeon will make small incisions around and behind the ear, and a tiny one under the chin. After tightening the neck muscles and removing excess skin and fat, the surgeon will close the incisions and apply a pressure dressing around the patient’s head and under their chin.